VK 981(A) Smart Tobacco Curing Control ( Computer ) is a Programmable Curing Computer .
It has been developed by Vencon Varsos’s experienced R&D team and it is based on microcontroller’s technology, equipped with all necessary safety devices and software to ensure its safe operation under extreme conditions.
VK 981(A) tobacco curing control has been since 1996 the standard curing control of the Ventobacco® commercial barns & the Ventolab® experimental barns .
It is the best seller in the tobacco curing industry having equipped over 5.000 barns and heat exchanger retrofots of several other manufacturers too.
It can be installed on any barn or retrofit Heat Exchanger supplied with 12 Volts AC or DC from transformer or battery to control the Burner and fresh air damper’s servomotor ( 220V or 120V or 24V AC) through 10 Amps relays .
VK 981(A) is designed to precisely control.
Burner’s operation & Fresh air (Intake) Damper’s operation
In Manual Mode, where Operator changes the Temp. settings
Semi Automatic mode where Operator changes only the Curing phase
Or Fully Automatic mode where Computer advances the whole Curing automatically.
VK 981(A) is built in a plastic casing (7” high x 5,5” wide x 3,5” deep) and can be mounted on the front or top of barn’s electrical panel or directly on a barn’s furnace room wall protected from rain, water drops from condensation and vibrations.
Computer’s Front consists of :
a) Four displays that indicate the following temperature :
DRY BULB Temperature
WET BULB Temperature
T.A. Temperature Advance (Rate of D.B. Temperature Increase)
ΔΤ (DELTA T) TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE between Lower & Upper tobacco tiers (between Incoming – Outcoming air from tobacco mass in the barn).
b) One Selector (0-9) To Select the desired Curing Phase or Operating Mode (by pressing lower (+) or upper (-) button)
c) Eight (8) led lamps Only the selected phase’s (operating mode’s) lamp lights
d) A group of 3 buttons to Select, Check and Change Settings on the displays
e) One “START CURING” button. When a new Curing Cycle starts, this button must be pressed for 10 seconds.
f) One green led lamp for the servocontrolled fresh air damper. When the W.B. thermostat gives the order to the Servomotor to open, the lamp lights. When there is no order coming the lamp blinks. When the order is to close the damper, the lamp is off.
g) One red led lamp for the burner. When the Dry bulb thermostat gives the order to the burner to fire, the lamp lights.
How Smart curing controls VK 981 series operate
To operate MANUALLY the control, you select No. 0 on the SELECTOR.NOW THE 0-MAN. light is on.
All displays show the actual temperatures in the barn You can see and set the temperatures (DB, WB, TEMP. INCREASE, and ΔΤ) by pressing the “SETTINGS” button. When you press “SETTINGS” button all displays show the setting points. Each time you press again “SETTINGS” one display at a time flashes. Now you can change the setting of this display. First DB, then WB, TEMP. INCREASE, and last one ΔΤ.
By activating + or – buttons, setting values go up or down
After 15 seconds the display(s) stop flashing and return to indication mode (thermometers).
You can cure with TEMPERATURE INCREASE Control and ΔΤ Control together to control perfectly the rate of temperature increase, or with one or none of them. In case you want to by pass one control you set – – on the display of the control you do not want to use (pressing “SETTINGS” and – ).
To operate IN CURING PHASES mode, you select on the SELECTOR the desired CURING PHASE (No. 1 for COLOURING, 2 for WILTING, 3 for LEAF DRYING, 4 for STEM DRYING and 5 for CONDITIONING).
Now the light of the selected phase is on.
Each time you press “SETTINGS” one display at a time flashes (DB, WB, TEMP. INCREASE, ΔΤ and last one DURATION in hours). The DB and WB limits, the Rate of TEMP. INCREASE, the ΔΤ setting and DURATION for each phase are stored in the computer’s memory.
So the DB and WB temperature settings will automatically advance till the programmed limits and will remain there, waiting for the operator to change the CURING PHASE when he feels like doing it.
If the operator wants to slightly change the programmed DB and WB upper limits of each phase as well as the programmed TEMPERATURE INCREASE and ΔΤ settings, he can do so by selecting the desired CURING PHASE’S No. on the selector and then press “SETTINGS” button and change the limits with +, – buttons (as described in previous paragraph).
In this way the experienced operator can easily adapt computer’s operation to his own technique, making his own program for each curing phase.
To operate AUTOMATICALLY you select No. 6 (AUTO) on the SELECTOR. AUTO Light is on
Curing will automatically advance, starting from the ambient D.B. temperature in the barn changing Automatically the Curing phases following exactly the curing program. The rate of Temperature Increase, ΔΤ, DB and WB temperature limits where the operator wishes to stop, as well as the duration of each stop, can be reprogrammed from the operator (if he wishes so) with the use of “SETTINGS” and +, – buttons. The Computer’s detailed operation mode is described in the VENTOBACCO VK 981 OPERATOR’S MANUAL.
VK 981(A) is equipped with an RS 485 data output door.
Operator can monitor curing on his P/C through a modem & telephone line or wirelessly.
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