Ventobacco® curing barns are designed and manufactured by Vencon-Varsos S.A. Piraeus-Greece.
They hold several patents and are certified by the respective European authorities CE, TUV, IGEMK.
Since 1979 when the first Ventobacco ® tobacco curing barn has been manufactured, over ten thousand Tobacco curing barns and Heat exchanger retrofits have been delivered by the company to Farmers, Cooperatives and Tobacco companies in Europe, North & South America, Middle & Far East, China and Africa, essentially contributing to successful and efficient Tobacco Curing worldwide.
Ventobacco ® is a world leader in the Research and Development of Tobacco Curing Technology specialized in quality and efficient leaf curing with low energy consumption.
It’s know how and design, fans, air furnaces ,retrofit heat exchangers and Smart tobacco curing controls are used by Vencon licensees and several other manufacturers around the world.
Ventobacco ® Curing barn’s design is continuously upgrated according to the latest tobacco curing technology, in order to produce excellent dry leaf quality, preserving the maximum possible leaf texture and weight, with the lowest possible fuel and electrical consumption.
Ventobacco ® curing barns are well known world wide for their superiority in tobacco curing efficiency, since by precise and efficient controll of all important curing factors they ensure:
best possible dry leaf texture and characteristics
minimum dry leaf weight losses during curing
minimum possible energy consumption both on fuel & electricity.
Tobacco curing Rack barns and Box barns designed and manufactured by Ventobacco® are made in several sizes with Indirect firing furnaces firing any liquid or Gas or solid fuel(biomass) , to meet any customer’s demands .
Ventobacco® assists customers who want to build homemade barns supplying barn structure constructions sketches and building recommendations to ensure efficient curing with a VCU ( Ventobacco Curing Unit) attached.
Ventobacco® barns are supported by our experienced service teams with trained technicians and curing advisors in all tobacco areas.
Our specialists are always present to train new customers in efficient curing and are available for any technical assistance and advice during the curing period.